Food for thought: Does a B.pharm make a better product manager?
Ok, I know this is a highly sensitive topic. but c'mon, this industry is swamped with B.pharms. It does seem like a very natural career option for a pharmacist to venture into. I mean does anyone knows drugs interactions, mode of actions, even the difference between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics like they do?
Thing is, it is unlikely that a PM with a B.mktg or BSc can win in an argument with a fellow B.pharm when it comes to pharmacology or pharmacy practice. However, being in a sales and marketing set up as most of us are, the critical question is does a B.pharm serves any additional advantages when it comes to devising solid strategies and working the market? Afterall, most of us are peddling clinical know-hows rather then pharmaceutics.
The pharmaceutical industry is a businesss organization much like all other businesses be it automobiles, aviation, consumer items, telecommunications. Does the general broad business principles and concepts apply differently to pharma?
Pharmacists are an important asset to the pharma industry, just like MDs or MBBS as they are known here. They provide the structural backbone for R&D and bridging that to marketing and operations. It remains to be seen, however, if they make better marketing or business brains.