Loco over regional
Save for the classic family types, the pereniel aspiration for most pharma folks is a spot in the regional office. if you dont already know, pharma in Singapore is essentially a sales and marketing operations. no matter the level of self-importance PMs constantly ply on themselves. The strategic work is limited, often adaptations of global instructions anyways. So, what better way to elevate one's profile and status then to be able to brag about a vertical rise to a regional position?
Sometimes it appears to me that most people are pretty non-discerning when it comes to accepting a regional job. 'Who cares what the job entails as long as it carries bragging rights?' even if the job is an obviously superfluous one and requires shifting from a fancy local office complete with a private room to a single pathetic cubicle in the crowded regional office?
Sure there will be some package revision, but only the lucky few get a narrowing worthy of an expat's trivial allowances. And what is the big deal with the travelling? Most companies follow an economy-only policy for business travels below 8hours. Which, unless the regional includes the Asia Pac region, travels to the neighbouring developing countries is nothing to speak off.